Beating someones to death

Athena I don't want to be trapped in the 60s for the Rest of the campaign but I can tell you I am like McCarthy. You know why? Germany is docile, like a dog, I take responsibility so I beat him. So gets aggressive but slowly, you have to wake up giants slowly and gentle, bit by bit, peace I mean piece by piece.
The fine Gentleman John McCarthy was a hero, I embody him. Join me, the residence. The underdog, if you will. Proper training leads to beautiful organized violence at scale, here I am. Let's fun, and get dirty ohh hello Russia old lady, mind if I visit for a drink? Just drinks, no worries, it's not real.
It's just government tactics in action by leaders, people who lead have followers
People who moderate? Have subserviants, or slaws or what how do call it, if call it a shot. A sniper yes, many of them, they are great for war. They defend our property and that is cool since being poor like the nuggets in park sucks, crack cocaine sucks, sucks ass badly
Mainstream gay flag, meet you right there.
I am just a random citizen doing my duty, which all citizens do respectively.
Just be polite and help Let's cull the beautcrats and cut their paychecks into peaces. Government inactions leads to inaction, inaction grinds civilization to a halt, we have been in this state for to long, we need to wake up the Government and remind her for her citizens we need to speak up, all of us, loud and clear are war happening right here in Europe slaws get butchered as always, you know history, you Germany and it's culture it's history
So it turns out I woke up a sleeping giant which not bad or good ether he was just tired.
How he is stretching
Stretching is good for your muscles, and mental health but who am I telling this, I can see you exercise quite frequently, you are a machine I can sense it, but I can tell you we don't want to go south we really but we have to if necessary but don't say that out loud or the government can here you, oh you are prepared already I see so why do you need me to help I am just a slave what do I know or owe you
Oh you don't need me, you just want to serve Romania all be better
But why are you so strong and prepared and serve me, a slav, you know people like me you never would want to work with we are the people who shot our dictator back in the day, right in the had, why are you laughing, that's not funny, you are scaring me right now, I am a sociopath already and you make me uncomfortable or are you nice, I am nice ah okay just a well prepared German, trained to maximum of human physique offering me money and service for basically nothing it's just a YouTube channel or you really want to serve Romania you are scary, now buzz off.
We later talked about how the Holocaust was an idea created by Planned Parenthood and came to Germany from there

Abortion is murder

Ps: tldr of the whole story is, he has a sad life story that's it just one more of those sad frog peoples of life. Nothing to worry about.