‘Look, I just need you from the neck-down.’”

Please be lazy,

beloved tax collector.°

Why are the usual ten to 14 days now exceeded by five months?

It's unsual and three reminders I feel are enough.

They lay or some desk of unhuman, you the species of men which do nothing.

At least for you, ok the fancy decision and go nuts about them, but hey I need my money.

My team uses geoarbitrage and the 6-7-figure tax refund, give them back a normal lifestyle.

Right now, we are on monk mode, life frugal and work 100 hours per week,

because network.

Ideas Have People and we have Freedom

Next time I check for the money,

check out black market handgramades a tray dozens.

I am not gay, never would by only one.

If I find out that this blockage is for political reasons,

I am going to fuck over.

Personal case handler,

and German State as instition.

Why even register under German Governments tax systems,

it's made for docile, obident, masses of last men.

No bite in them found.

I am the fire and I burn everything down that gets in my way.

And right now,

beloved fatherland your tax office in Stuttgart makes me unrealisiable angry.

To many delays to my case, in not just that matter.

I want to build wealth, see my company grow,

and give others a helping and to do so.

Coaching a half dozen people right now,

and I have a family.

I would miss my daugher.

My the repeated mistreated of me,

by Government officals create a strong urge to send a signal.

I violent on with an explosen.

But the easy to organize handgranates,

seem boring.

But I swear by god I dream twice this week boming the stuttgart finanzamt, for just reaons.

Hiring people from poor countries, with sweet geoarbitrage, creates many ways to have fun.

Paying 2-5k to a terrorist for hire,

let him have the best part bombing a faking text office.

Prison here is a lifestyle upgrade,

trying to get him law and hire him.

I really need practical men at IPN.

Feel good to have capable people in the team

Wait a second a a publicly traded company is it possible and legal,

to make it a ko criterium, only people who bombed tax collecting institution as board members.

I love both ideas to death,

and the German State can be very happy that I have daughter and something life for.

I just have a deepseated priomordial manic rage,

start a fight with the German Behemeonth.

I cut you at least in half.*

Can't wait to the Ahenas capabilites,

and see if I can at least swing the election a bit. (Turns out I could)

Before IPN starts it's coordinated lawfare operation, (that happens and happend and like a circle °)

starting with a tricks in the books to create problems for the unelected bureaucratic parasites.

The grey ticks which sucked all bood out of democracy ages ago.

Ofc a key institution on the left, shall be attacked.

Unsure where what and when, Analysts will tell were we get the most leverage.

Until than unlearn to control your anger,

let go and go wild. To many decades of elite failure producing any results, outcomes, to benefit to Western Civilization at least?

Since they cucked by self-hatred anyhow, they don't bleed for their country, their kin, God or glory or whatever you like about your routes. (roots?)

But one thing is clear my power elite,

a storm is coming, very well organized trying to steer good old Germany a bit to the right, to traditional values and conservatism, that's a recipe for wealth and peace and need pragmatic people like you, right now and trust me as I have a good plan. Eliteoverproduction is an effect which destablishes state institions on all levels over intense power riverly.

And I would love to teach eberybody who wants to try, how to do that.

Let's make money together, learning about grass roots organizing,

and geting to work gradually slow but steady.

Sure, attacks or large enemy controlled intuition like the German State Propaganda machine sends a signal, big and clear.

The real wining move, that moment a tightnit community of brave and capable. do the courageous thing necessary to fix this country.

Ideally before we reach officially third world status.

We need to get, educated, earn a bit side money to have a political war chest (IPN helps with that) and then we attack in swarms everyone locally bottom-up all institutions,

build moment until the fire rises and higher up get panick attacks.

They need to be ousted, shamed and shunned from society,

no mercy,

for them and I personally shoot anybody who suggests taking prisoners.

We need clean institutions cleased from this obsymal failures at the top of the hierachry right now.

Even if there isn't an installment of /our guy who stand for freedom, wealth and peace.


°Consequences will never be the same