Stumbled upon a great list of life lessions by Epicurus published by Wealth Brew. Don't miss out.
Here is a list of worthwhile life lessons summed up in on YouTube Video which you can click down below. If the updates on the YouTube channel are to slow for you. The channel owner has a Account called Copywriting Dad. There are he updates more frequently, and he sells high quality products and services. He is a mentor of mine helping me getting the Ideas Have People Network off the ground. Make sure to check him out he is a high-quality resource in terms of content which you don't find that often on the Internet.
Stop worrying about what is outside your control.
Always expect the worst
Prepare to fail, because it's the only way to progress.
Listen twice as much as you speak.
Always ext ract the benefits from things.
Be aware about the dangerous of fortune.
Do not cling to a single hope.
Always remember that death is waiting at the end of road
True wealth lies in contenment
Be humble
Guilt is synonoumus with plague
Make alliances with winning people
Never forget that your reactions forge our destiny
Always fullfill your duty
Do not hate those who hate you
Bet on simplicity
When you allow the comments and attitudes allow to bother you, you hand over control over your life