"Join the death dance" propertarian institue is now called natural law institute

Emphasis is on this video, ramblings down below are comming form an artifical intelligence called Athena. Plus in the quotes some highlights of the book mentioned in the video.

Here go watch a catholic, video essayist, talk about Mencius Moldbugs book "Unqualified Reservation". Moldbug wrote a book on black enlightenment or more precisely cameralism or both. I urge you to don't this book, it was confusing, badly written and I didn't understand the hype around it. This seems to me a potato ideology, because thinking gaps are wide and common. It's simply hard for me to not zoom out and shake my head if democracy is questioned. I bet you can't name a well know anti-democratic book which I have not read. There is way too many people falling in love with utopian thinking trying to force their vision and mankind over immaturity, mental defects or illness and cognitive biases + misuse of heuristics. Evil is constant which can be planed for, so is entropy and decline and yes golden ages as well. Not on the riceboard of course, but with careful decent nurturing with many reiterations. Revolution is false god.

It's natural that states/societies contract, expand, and go retarded. US is an empire and that costs, sucks that internal politics suffer over that. Yarwin can't accept that are just the trade-offs for his country and wishes for a radical change. The US is a cultural hegemon, your internal conflicts become my internal trends in Germany. However, democracies are way better equipped dealing with any issue, empire or not, than any other system. It's based on distributing power wide and far, with so many interest groups which are heard and there interests being accounted for than any other system. Yes, there is a lot of chaos, and continues debate plus overcoming cognitive dissonance can suck and be tedious. I also know how much damage the left has done to the West in general and western countries, next to non-western countries. Be happy about that, you have a challenge to solve in your lifetime. Politics is like opening your letters, you kind of just have to do it. Since politics always an interest in you. It's rare that people can afford to be apolitical. Democracy just means continuous subversion, narrative battles and civil cold war.

Who has the better operatives schooled in practical politics wins. Iron law of oligarchy means, that there are leaders and courageous followers among them, then just followers but there is always an elite and the masses never rise up, they get orchestrated by people who can ride the wave. On the outset there are fellow travelers, believers and true believers. An organized majority will always outcompete a disorganized majority. Grugs/dumb people are cattle, impulsive, violent and beautiful. Midwits, think they smart and play status games to score vanity points, but aren't smart enough to see through the matrix/the game. Midwits is cannon foodery, decent enqueued drones but never up for the challenge to grow up completely. Genius isn't real, any real genius feels like a grug/dumb person, not exceptions. If you think you are genius, you are a midwit stuck in mirror land. Pay one second no attention actively and all your genius is gone over making a stupid mistake.

Bringing back the circularity to Moldbugs, aka Curtis Yavins, pet ideologies at his midwit times Cameralism. Was a German niche ideology, was somewhat useful for historic period and context in time. Failed ultimately to deliver results and got replaced. Black enlightenment is a bit less retarded than Cameralism, and is a form of angry nerd fetish to larp as the bad guy. It's also a niche and pet ideology of people with too much time spent online in social circles. Go study them if you must, for all intends and purposes. But as a somebody following me, Able D. Paryon, and my public speech around. You got the good part of "Unqualified Reservations" already implemented as first principle in your head as a frame to reprogram your world view. Conservatism is progressivism with a tempo limit or with hand break applied. Cthulhu swims always to the left. It's good mental model of how trends, and/or mega trends, play out in the current timeline. The rest is just nerd tears which stuck a cord for some reason in American circles. Read this, not that. Or head to "Among 800 books on politics these two stand out." or if you are new knock your self out with: Less than ten Books to get to know IPN

Cameralism;  (GermanKameralismus) was a German science of public administration in the 18th and early 19th centuries that aimed at strong management of a centralized economy for the benefit mainly of the state.[1] The discipline in its most narrow definition concerned the management of the state's finances. Throughout the 18th and the first half of the 19th century, cameralism was influential in Northern European states — for example, in Prussia and Sweden — and its academics and practitioners were pioneers in economic, environmental, and administrative knowledge and technology; for example, cameralist accounting, still used in public finance today.[2][3]

The growing power of centralized state control necessitated centralized systematic information on the nation. A major innovation was the collection, use and interpretation of numerical and statistical data, ranging from trade statistics, harvest reports, and death notices to population censuses. Starting in the 1760s, officials in France and Germany began increasingly to rely on quantitative data for systematic planning, especially regarding long-term economic growth. It combined the utilitarian agenda of "enlightened absolutism" with the new ideas being developed in economics. In Germany and France, the trend was especially strong in cameralism and physiocracy.[4] According to David F. Lindenfeld, it was divided into three: public finance, Oeconomie and Polizei. Here Oeconomie did not exactly mean 'economics', nor did Polizei mean 'public policy' in the modern senses.[5]

Quote from Black enlightenment is a angry nerds ideology (#Gamergate)

The ideology generally rejects Whig historiography[4]—the concept that history shows an inevitable progression towards greater liberty and enlightenment, culminating in liberal democracy and constitutional monarchy[4]—in favor of a return to traditional societal constructs and forms of government, including absolute monarchism and other older forms of leadership such as cameralism.[5]

Moldbug is smart and accomplished don't get me wrong, but that book was bad writing. This book radiates midwit vibes. He felt like thought addict, who fails to use first principle thinking based on circularity without narrative structure. Just logical documentation of how edgy I am look at me. This kind of content has it's place in the internet, here is enough space. I just don't want my frens or readers wasting their time. He developed his own operating system for some reason and is friends with Peter Thiel. Rather than reading Unqualified Reservations, read Thiel from Zero to One. How can one develop an OS? It should be only allowed to develop new personal knowledge management software/methodologies.

Lucian from the Freedom Alternative Network once covered, the idea that kings don't bring the benefit attributed by both ideological niche standpoints. Member black enlightenment and cameralism waste of time to believe in, good to read once through the Wikipedia article and call it a day. If you got a link to Lucian bashing kings, please hit me up. I forgot which video it was, and I don't want to bother the busy men. I think that all that whining about democracy being filthy and evil comes from people who lack knowledge on practical politics (41 videos and counting). That's it. Don't through out the baby with the bath water please. And democracy is a way more fun game to play, then any other form of Government. Bread and circus, is politics it's like pro-wrestling. The problem are people are smart, but not wise, also display of learnedness is nowhere to be found. Go now and watch "The Distributist", my second most liked catholic after the pope. I am btw. utterly convinced that the pope is an atheist and so are the elite guards of Iranian head of state. I refuse to believe otherwise, and you can do nothing about it. Watch the damn video now.