"Bestselling nonfiction men's book of all time second to the Bible"
- Able D. Paryon
- 1 Comment
It started all like so often with a 4chan post:
It's great honor to watch Joshua Lisec from the frontseats on x. A master at work and recently he just wrote:
A men's book that teaches all this step by step with no step skipped would be the bestselling nonfiction men's book of all time second to the Bible.
Need 3 co-authors to cover all the territory here though.
Who would you suggest?
Please make sure to have read the 4chan post, which was the prompt, and of course I rallied my followers:
With an emphasis on these words:
Speak up especially if you see me not in this role, I want to learn and adapt.
What then happend was magic, this was my post, and I did not hear a single poster challenge me. Unfortunately, ofc.
One poster spotted out this mark. This wasn't a challenge, since that is a chip implemented in my back because I am the German MK Ultra.
QuoteI might be fitting the profile. I was told to retire and live on a government state pension when I was 18 years old. I told my doctor; he can retire and marched on from there doing at least 70+ hours of work ever since. Before my daughter was born, often plus 100 hours. Told myself I gonna lead myself beyond authority.
Plus, I check most, if not all, the qualities. I started writing such a book in the past myself and had +300 books read as source material. I am willing to scratch it all and start anew.
So, my followers responded and created a hug box for me. Seems like I have to step up my game and collect more haters and therefore not fit for duty. That being said, I might add that BowTiedBroke seems like a much better fit.
And I quote here:
Display MoreI did my Net Worth trajectory earlier this year, but wanted to do it again for newer followers to see that the path to wealth is NOT a straight line. Markets tank, markets [Blocked Image: https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f680.svg], assets rise, assets drop, you make good/bad investments & sometimes LIFE HAPPENS
‘74 - sperm/egg produce a spawn
‘98 - done w/college $0 net worth
‘99 - $25K‘00 - $40K ——> $5K (tech bubble)
‘01 - $5K ——-> $2K (9/11 crash)
‘02 - $2K (out stocks, bought condo)‘03 - $25K
‘04 - $35K (got married, bought house plus rental prop in South Florida)
‘05 - $45K (bought another rental)
‘06 - $300K (rentals [Blocked Image: https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f680.svg] , EBay biz)
‘07 - $400K
‘08 - $250K (cracks in rentals)
‘09 - $25K (lost rentals to foreclosure, did some DIL’s and had to give banks a check for negotiated amount for DIL)
‘10 - $75K - (Various job promotions, side hustle EBay doing well)‘11 - $120K
‘12 - $140K‘13 - $200K - (started buying “divi” type stocks, but Oil and Gas MLP’s, chasing yield)
‘14 - $150K - (lost $150K in MLP’s, sold with carryover massive carryover loss.
eBay —-> Amazon, takes off)‘15 - $600K (More corporate promotions/stock grants/Amazon crushing it)
‘16 - $1.7 million (Stock grants/Amazon)
‘17 - $650K - divorce [Blocked Image: https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f937-200d-2642-fe0f.svg]
‘18 - $900K - Corporate $ & Amazon‘19 - $1.3 mil - Corp/Amazon/Bought a STR in smoky mountains
‘20 - $3 mil - Corp/Amazon/bought 7 STR’s in smokies when people were dumping at onset of Covid. Met a guy and we started building as well. I was money man, he was GC.
‘21 - $6 mil - Corp/Amazon huge now/STR’s cranking/Building doing well. Quit corporate
‘22 - $10+ mil - Building development/Land/sold all STR’s (except 1) for massive profit. Bought 8 CAT Machines to clear my own lots/land but it morphed into excavation company. Started with only 3 used CATS (299, 304 and 308). Added more as we got more business.
‘23 - way over $10 mil. Much more conservative as I’ve aged and have learned to take the money and run on occasion. T-bills, boring land, municipal, moderate development/building, major Amazon, a little $BTC and crypto.
So there you have it. As you can see, the path is usually NEVER a straight line.
BowTiedBroke is a legend. What a wild ride of a life, having read 400 books on finance I can really feel him. Anyhow, my follower stated:
Yeah, @AbleDParyon
is a powerhouse of knowledge and out of the box ideas/perspectives. Choose him!
@AbleDParyon - very smart and funny guy. Doing a lot here in Germany to inform the people on a podcast with his co-hosts. Definitly a win for this project.
A master with magic reading and writing skills
Hey @JoshuaLisec!
vouch for @AbleDParyon
in regards to leadership, because he provided me with webspace to carve out my own project: http://ThatSafeSpace.net.
A good leader will know *how* to lead.
A great leader will know *when* to lead. Able posesses both of these qualities.
Ein guter Anführer führt strukturlos. Er säht seine Ideen in die Köpfe und Seelen der anderen, und die folgen seinen Ideen und seinem Vorbild. Und genau das tust Du - Du sähst Ideen in Köpfe und Seelen.
Which translates to: Go leader who leads structureless. He seeds ideas into the head and souls of others, and they follow my idea and lead. That's what I am doing - Seeding ideas in head and soul.
Comments 1
Able D. Paryon Author
I wonder if there are updates to this potential book project.