IPN Updates
- Threads
- 554
- Posts
- 670
Das Overton Magazin versteht sich als Stimme gegen Debatteneinengung und Moralismus. Es hinterfragt die allgemeinen Narrative und ist dezidiert kein ideologisches Sprachrohr oder Verlautbarungsorgan, sondern fühlt sich der Aufklärung verpflichtet. Da auch hinter dem Overton Magazin Menschen stecken, wird es hier und da auch mal falsch liegen. Das ist aber auch in Ordnung, denn sich irren zu können, ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Wahrheitsfindung. Threads
- 34
- Posts
- 41
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Topthemen RSS Feed- Threads
- 139
- Posts
- 168
- Threads
- 111
- Posts
- 143
- Threads
- 101
- Posts
- 115
- Threads
- 21
- Posts
- 29
Second timeline
To improve one writing on should review once own time line once in a while and grab the posts which stood out. If you don't reflect or the content your are consuming. You end up in a mindless hypnotic state. This category is to break the cycle and give you your own forum with a thread or two for you and the community to engage with. Hit me up if you want to have a second timeline as well, and get your personal forum here.-
Able D. Paryon
I am a leader, and I shall lead by good example structureless soul collection, plating ideas in your mind and reframing time baby!- Threads
- 5
- Posts
- 8
- Threads
- 2
- Posts
- 4
- Threads
- 24
- Posts
- 28
- Threads
- 26
- Posts
- 34
"Nothing is beyond our reach"
Open dialogue
This is the description of the default forum open dialogue- Threads
- 2
- Posts
- 5
Able's Elite
Hier wird in deutsch/englisch gepostet. Community dialog.- Threads
- 14
- Posts
- 51
Programmable Psyche (PsycheOS)
Check out their webpage and maybe add them to your timeline on x always high-quality output. Don't miss out Clicks
- 29
IPN address-book
Verantwortung, Organisation und politische Bildung
Abelismus Hilfe e.V -
Portugal circle
Happy to welcome you! Ideally we should make good use of the research tool. This just an additional way to discuss, document and so on.- Threads
- 3
- Posts
- 6
beerlover0008 circle
a European paramilitary group just kidding we are a parliamentary investigation operations- Threads
- 4
- Posts
- 5
Archive des Liberalismus
Libertarian community archive
I hope you guys don't get annoyed by me aggregating your nothing but stelar content and output for the libertarian cause. -
Dieser User macht alles richtig er weiß, wie Propaganda funktioniert. Folgt ihm. Clicks
- 40
- Threads
- 2
- Posts
- 3
- Clicks
- 48
Noah Revoy
Read his book "Become Immune to Manipulation" Reading notes of mine: Clicks
- 86
Logos Elect
Professional Decision Maker. Natural Law Respecter. Aspiring Patriarch. Clicks
- 40
Possible guests for the spacemonkeys
- Threads
- 3
- Posts
- 7
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- 4
- Posts
- 9
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- 3
- Posts
- 8
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 2
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- 1
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- 1
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- 6
- Posts
- 13
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- 3
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- 5
Ideas have People Network - functionaries
- Threads
- 3
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- 4
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 5
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- 4
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- 6
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- 4
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- 6
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- 3
- Posts
- 3
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
Able's Notes
Article discussing Threads
- Threads
- 44
- Posts
- 52
- Threads
- 8
- Posts
- 8
- Threads
- 4
- Posts
- 6
- Threads
- 12
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- 16
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- 3
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- 4
- Threads
- 3
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- 4
- Threads
- 4
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- 5
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- 2
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- 2
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- 7
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- 11
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- 2
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- 2
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- 0
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- 0
- Threads
- 3
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- 3
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- 4
- Posts
- 4
(Mental) Health, Fitness and Nutrition- Threads
- 2
- Posts
- 2
- Threads
- 0
- Posts
- 0
Freedom Alternative Network
Are you familiar with the Freedom Alternative Network? Lucian, the prominent figurehead of that network greets you in their YouTube channel on a regular bases in English and Romanian. If you haven't checked out their content, you are missing out by a huge margin. A while ago FAN posted on their webpage that they are in search of a forum software. We at IPN thought we can help with that, and offer hosting service, moderation and updates & bugfixes for free to FAN. Since the Ideas have People Network is alligned not in all manners, topics and debates with FAN, but 80%.