I met a Karen once

Dear Karen,

you are a Leader.

When we first met, I told you should write a book and you said I don't know about that. Maybe you should write a book, and I wrote two novels since then. Thanks for that boost for my ego, I really needed that, since I suffer from dyslexia. 2 novels, but my Gamergate book is still waiting, even organized a ghostwriter, to eventually help me finish it. By now it would look more like the often discussed #MediaGate, my internal project name is digital culture wars. It pained me to get a hold yesterday of you among others being monitored by a government agency. You aren't a villain here, and the other Manosphere voices and especially not the Honey Badgers ether. You are the too good to be true originals, which get an extra barrier in their way, just to prove how great you people are.

My good friend and lector said: "Government spy agencies afraid of strong women." And boy you are a strong woman, and I considered you, always the brain behind the group. The firmness of your voice, when you use your nagging skills not to put down men but to lift them up. I always enjoyed. I know the Honey Badgers are made out of more people than, you Hannah for instance is also great. My daughter is called Hannah btw. Karen you are "not just" a lovely lady from Canada, I learned a lot from you and your friends. I also met my political mentor via your comment once made in the podcast Honey Badger Radio. Trust the Romanian guy who comes your way. But that's a story for another time. You had an everlasting positive effect on my marriage and life, also helped me get over childhood trauma. I stole many ideas and parts of your (radios) speech and radiated it back in German to my podcast audience. Of course, after doing my own research on the subject.

From my point of view, the news about the monitoring (harass I don't think so, but perhaps interfere) where not news at all to me unfortunately. It was just public confirmation. If you keep telling people that we as men, have worth, and explain our rights to us. That is priceless and well the Government has to interfere, since society is run on the premise of male disposability. If some heroin of mine questions this, of course they are enemies. But they are also friends to men and me. Why wouldn't a great show like the Honey Badgers not being censored and throttled, we are getting the same treatment here as well in Germany, we got 10.000 subscribers and I even got invited to the German parliament once over our speeches made in my podcast which is a team effort.

I know how to infiltrate the intelligence services at least in Germany, but I must clean up first my country up more thoroughly. Before I can help at your side in Canada... It's an uphill battle here. And helpers are rare and always in need. Plus, there are also plenty of good people within the intelligence community, just because one rogue element targets you, doesn't mean they are all bad. Somebody from the UN came my way, and I will ask him about that case and what one could do about the situation.

The story about your grandfather crawling to work with no legs to walk, really touched me. I work around 70 hours per week, and I am eligible for early retirement over a heavy (50%) disability. Considering it my dignity to just show up anyway at work in part due to your grandfather. I can crawl over broken glass with a smile and your content inspired me among other influences. Thank you for everything. :*

Take care and Best Regards,
Able D. Paryon

Ps: Hope you are doing fine, thank you for all that valuable content (blog & and) just for you being you. Thanks. Any other people reading this, check you her content, please.