"Just work like Hell"
Just have to put in you know 80 hour 80 to 100 hour weeks every week and then work that all those things improve the odds of success um I mean if if if other people are putting in 40-hour work weeks and you're putting in 100h hour work weeks then even if uh you're doing the same thing you know that in in one year you will achieve what they achieve you will
achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve.
Trying to build a company and have it succeed is like eating glass and staring into the abyss I mean what tends to happen is it's sort of quite exciting for the first several months of starting a company and then then reality sets in things don't go as well as planned customers aren't signing up the technology of the product isn't
working as well as you thought um and um and then can that can sometimes be compounded by a recession um and uh it can be very very painful for several years um so I think um frankly starting a company I would advise people to have a high pain tolerance.
f maintaining a cheerful disposition while engaging in activities that are both metaphorically and literally painful. Here's how you can keep smiling:
That quote up there comes from the channel Outcast Motivation from 2 years ago portraying Elon Musk. The video got 2 Million Views in 2 years and they have around 145.000 Followers. That video inspired me to ask Grok the following question:
"How to smile when eating glas and staring into the abyss?"
Display MoreAh, the old conundrum of maintaining a cheerful disposition while engaging in activities that are both metaphorically and literally painful. Here's how you can keep smiling
1. Philosophical Acceptance: Embrace the absurdity of life. If you're eating glass, you might as well do it with style. Remember, as Nietzsche might quip if he were in a lighter mood, "That which does not kill us, makes for an interesting dinner story."
2. Dental Protection: Before you start, consider some high-grade, invisible dental armor. Not only does it make the act safer, but thinking about your secret mouth shield might just tickle your funny bone.
3. Mouthful of Irony: As you crunch down on that glass, reflect on the irony that you're literally internalizing the thing people usually say not to throw stones at. Let the irony curve your lips upward.
4. Abyss-Staring Technique: When looking into the abyss, smile to throw it off its game. If the abyss stares back, give it a wink. It's not used to that; it might just blink first.
5. Distraction: Think of something genuinely funny. Like, imagine a rubber chicken in a tuxedo trying to eat glass with you. The absurdity might make you smile genuinely.
6. Endorphin Rush: The pain from eating glass could release endorphins, which are natural painkillers that also make you feel happier. It's nature's way of saying, "I've got no idea why you're doing this, but here, have a smile."
7. Theater of the Absurd: Treat the entire experience as performance art. Your smile could be the pièce de résistance in this avant-garde display. Audience or not, you're making art.
8. Mindset: Adopt the mindset that every crunch is a step closer to becoming a legend. You're not just eating glass; you're dining on danger and digesting despair with a grin.
9. Survival Smugness: There's a certain smug satisfaction in knowing that after this, any regular bad day will feel like a breeze. You ate glass and stared down the abyss; what's a little work stress?
10. Post-Event Bragging Rights: Think of the future conversations. "You think your day was tough? I smiled through a glass sandwich." Remember, while this is all in good humor, actually eating glass is not advisable. But if you're metaphorically eating glass and staring into life's abyss, then by all means, do it with the biggest, boldest smile you've got!
I can identify with that quite a bit. I don't want to scare away the ordinary folk from the Ideas Have People Network, but I personally think 60-80 hours work are just enough to get bye and more is always welcome. I personally am unhappy when my current work focus, does not appear in my dreams that means I am not committed enough.