A phrase coined by a friend of mine. He was at a dead end in life, drinking too much and living off savings. He couldn't pay the bills with his current job and wasted time chasing low-quality women. A bit lost, if you ask me. His leftist mindset played a role. We had known each other for a long time but had lost contact.
He was directionless and willing to listen to me, able to tell stories about everything. Since I have read over 3,000 books, I can teach the basics of many fields and topics, which speeds up learning. He also had cold beer in the fridge, which helped.
So, we sat down and watched a three-hour documentary about Gulags. To improve one's life, it's important to start hating Communism. I swear to God, leftism is a mind virus that makes you miserable and kills your potential.
After we dealt with the left-leaning mindset, I got him interested in the stock market. He lost a bit of money at first due to lacking risk assessment, but after I taught him the basics and he further researched successful investors, he could land a hundred-bagger, which means the investment sum multiplied by 100.
Learning about the stock market is great for understanding business logic and becoming humbler because your greed is going to cost you money. However, my friend still saw no improvement in his monthly income. Stock markets are great for long-term wealth creation, and day trading wasn't something he wanted to pursue.
I told him to switch his career, and he was open to the idea. After quite a few more conversations and homework, including reading a handful of books, boom: In six months, he made €250,000 and had a team of a dozen helping hands. Managing people is hard, and state legislation is tough on entrepreneurs when hiring. Germany simply doesn't have a business-friendly environment. So, he scaled down to take things slow; currently, I think he has two people, but all are solopreneurs.
He also found a quality woman and did the right thing by putting a ring on her finger. A couple of weeks ago, his first child was born, and that is a stellar success if you ask me. From being poor, desperate, and hopeless to founding your own family and being your own boss in just about 3-4 years.
Of course, he had help from others, but this didn't stop him from saying to me,
"You made me the man I am today."
I showed him this as well, while I am not sure if it helped him but, in my opinion, this single graph contains all knowledge needed to run a company. I am happy with his success and the timeframe doesn't matter. I myself have a business plan of over a thousand pages. My pitch for my own company has 364 slides.