I bet there are many such cases, we are just not willing to look out for it better.

  • Some 30 police officers in Sweden warented public outrage after a report established over 500 cases of leaking classified information to violent gang leaders since 2018
  • The criminal gang members used quite unconventional methdos, such as starting "sexual relationships with strategically selected [female] police officers.
  • One police investigator fell in love with the very man she was tasked to investigate provide him with reguilar updates on her "progress".
  • Even the head of the Swedish Goverment was forced to comment on the report. While Swedens national police chief condemns the scandal and saying that police and the judiciary had been "naive" to not anticipate these types of eleborate infiltations methods.
  • Sweden has long been grappling with criminal gans, primarily coming from migrant backgrounds. Crime rates, including rape and murder, have skyrocketed in the country in recent years, leading to an increasing public demand to limit immigrations. Every two weeks for istance their are handgrante attacks happening in diversity hotspots.
  • Swedish conservative MEPs brought this up in the European Parlament on multiple occassions with a call for an end to mass migration. Their leftist counterparts often make suprised pikachu face with a strong disbelief of objective reality or ridicule sensible immigration policies. Don't forget the left is made up of unhumans, who just want to burn down civilization.

Women don't watch porn. They are more psychological.

So they read erotic literature. One trope, or phantasy which quite common. Is the "magic-vagina" the hope or idea, that the badboy changes for her because well... her "magic-vagina" of course. Pusy so you overcome major character flaws. The whole becoming a better men for her story women love to tell themselves. How much do you wanna bet that this isn't an isolated case? I have to repeat myself and insist: Many such cases.

On top of that. Leaders have their appeal, always and everywhere. Doesn't matter if you lead decent men, criminals or degenerates. Humans are a herd animal (90% monkey, 10% bee) and a lot of our cognition is outsources into chatter, and cultural cues. These signals create neural nets, for the hive, and the collective sees then as a superorganism a way bigger picture. Individuals less so, okay not all inviduals don't forget about the leaders at the top enjoying a better view. While being able to not only consume information, but ditch out commands.

Violent leaders are sexy

Of course any group comming with a dominance hierarchy. Working yourself up on the social letter of prestige, influence and power is a great selector for good qualities, of character or genetics. If you rise to the top, you are someone of value, resiliance and discipline. This is true for any group and their selective leaders. Why wouldn't women fuck the shit out of you for displaying attributes like that? In the case with the 30 horny female police officers, it gets even better. These men are violent, violence is great and resolved more issues in history than any other force.

Able to aply violence, what a great display of good hunting abilites, brings food on the table. Making her feel the tingles in her "magic vagina".

Nobody respects the damn sheeps, who freeze when the fighting instincts kick it. Fright, Flight, Fight as a third cateogory called Freeze. Remember the superorganism, capabilities of humans? I freeze is an hope the group comes to rescue. Scaring the animal away or throughing a spear.

Now picture the female officer observing these powerless freezes quite often. Since well, 70% of you guys are complacent as fuck and horny to obey authority.

Respect wamen. Respect the thin blue line.

What a refreshing breeze, to encounter the polar opposite.

A criminal gang leader, a dagerous men not afraid of getting into a fight.

What more do women want?

We need more accountability

Power is sexy. Violence aswell. And in both cases this is hardgrained into our psyychological makeup.

And leading gangs is always going to be a power move, for men to stand out of the general crowd.

What do women want more? Maybe their money back, from whomever sold them the magic vagina belief.

Guess how often staying,. hoping for a character change created living hell for said women...

Well here are 30 more women going through hell, caught in a large scale public scandel.

Funny how my comment took away the poor female agency isn`t it?

Who can blame them? We should.

We should hold women accountable of their actions.

Glad they got exposed.

Just wondering why we see not more of such scandels.

What do you think?

Ps: I never feel secure when a situation warrents calling the police and a female officers steps into the scene. My only thought in that moment is "great, another inidividual to protect when shit goes down". Always feels bad. ?(

Pps: Many thanks to my fren Garret Jacob Hobbs who pointed my attention to this major scandal. 8)